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 swimming Group

Swimming all year round is not as a physical challenge as a mental one.


Being always triggered from challenges I decided in September 2018 to keep

swimming throughout the whole year in Hampstead heath Ladies pond.

The challenges where the idea of swimming in blur water and icy cold water.

Many of my friends were convinced to give a try and since then, they haven’t stop doing it. It’s never boring and it has so many benefits.


Top of the list, though, is the mental clarity afforded

by shocking the system into action.


Here’s the other benefits of why it’s worth dipping a toe into cold waters:

  • You’ll build mental fortitude

  • You’ll supercharge your metabolism

  • You’ll break the boredom cycle

  • You’ll gain mental calm

  • You connect with the nature (of it’s the sea or a pond)

  • You will get fitter

  • Boost your immune system

  • You’ll feel less pain


Now get yourself out there and enjoy it...

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